About (My Journey towards local & hand crafted)

My Journey with YT&H

My passion for local indie dyed yarn and beautifully hand-crafted needles has only grown over the years. It first started in Calgary when I was at my LYS. I was shown some yarn that was dyed in the Badlands of Alberta. I was so impressed that I was knitting with someone else's creation, that I intentionally started asking about locally dyed yarn at every LYS I visited. Next came the needles, and I was just as blown away with them as well. The needles and hooks were beautiful to me, and I found worked with the yarn much better. I was learning to appreciate my tools, as much as I did the yarn.
As time passed, I traveled the world, married my soul mate, had 2 boys, learn to crochet, honed my skills with needles, sewed up a storm, and taught friends to knit at my local coffee shop. When our family moved to Nova Scotia in the summer 2019, I started to take seriously the idea of an online yarn store. As of December 2021, Yarn Traveler & Haberdashery started its journey of nurturing a community for the love of beautiful yarn and needles.
And the journey continues!