Welcome to Yarn Traveler & Haberdashery

We are an online yarn store striving to meet the needs of those who are nurturing their love of yarn and needles. We are located on the Northshore in Colchester County, Nova Scotia. 

We have a strong passion at Yarn Traveler & Haberdashery for hand-crafted needles made North America and beautiful yarn hand dyed by local indie dyers. We believe every project should be finished the way you want with unique items for a personal touch. This is why we will continue to find amazing items to fill our haberdashery for you.

YT&H ship within Canada, to the USA and now to the UK. All shipping rates are processed at checkout with Canada Post shipping rates.   


We welcome you to checkout YT&H as we build our store, filling it with yarn, needles, notions, patterns and so much more.


My office staff will periodically come into my space for inspection. They are a constant source of inspiration for us all. 


YT&H welcome a new member to YT&H.

This might help you when deciding the amount of yarn you'll need for your project.


Yarn will Travel!



Tonks, Kingsley and Wolfe Charlotte